Erasmic Coconut Oil and Glycerin Shave Cream Review

Erasmic Coconut Oil and Glycerin Shave Cream
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This is the first tube or tub of shaving cream I've ever thrown away. The smell was terrible and did not allow a close shave. It irritated my face even with a good brush and new blade. My favorite for use with a brush used to be Proraso almond (Red tube) which is now discontinued. I dislike the Proraso green tube smell. For a replacement I've found Speick to be excellent and well priced as well as Musgo, LATHER Almond Shave Crème, and Muehle Aloe Vera Shave Cream.

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A great, old-school cream with a lovely, traditional scent that gives marvellous lather, and super skincare. It shows that what was popular back in our fathers and grandfathers time is still in my honest opinion, the BEST!

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